Electronics project for glider pilots
If you are a glider pilot, you will find from this page information about couple electronics
projects related to glide computers, FLARM systems and data communications.
If you are not a glider pilot, I hope you find these interesting some other ways.
This is NOT a commercial webshop. We cannot give you any warranty, and we cannot
guarantee safety or usability of there designs. If you chose to be brave enough and try
these, you do it on your own risk!
We inform our users about use of Soartronic components in www.facebook.com/Soartronic. Please visit us there, ask questions and share your experiences. We have learned a lot from our user already, and hope to hear from you too. Also if you would like to purchase something that is temporally not available, most likely we will inform on FB when it is again available.
We wish to thank everyone who has helped us by translating manuals, testing our stuff, helping with designs, and informing when there has been problems with out website. And everyone who has told other pilots about Soartronic, and helping us by giving technical support at segelflug.de and XCSoar and other forums. It has been a pleasure to work with you all! You have helped us to develop these simple and practical devices.
Safe soaring!
Best regards,
Kimmo & Harri & Niilo
Please send your comments and questions to soartronic@gmail.com
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